Recommended by Scott Meade

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2nd Edition Twisted Christians Released

The 2nd edition of Twisted Christians is now available. I hope that all of the rare book collectors of the world were able to pick up a copy of the 1st edition.

The main reason that the 2nd edition was published was to eliminate the confusion about the fallen angel, Sancho. He is not a demon. The 2nd edition includes a note from the author (that's me) at the end of the story. Here is that note:

"Soon after the 1st edition of Twisted Christians was released in February of 2010, I began to research the books of Enoch. These “forbidden books” were purposely left out of the Holy Bible, although Jude (New Testament) directly quotes from 1 Enoch chapter 1. 1 Enoch 15 details the origin of demons and how they exist today. They were the “giants” described in Genesis 6—the children of angels and women. Every thought within their minds was evil. This was God’s reason for destroying the Earth’s population—with the exception of Noah, his family, and a selected number of animals. The spirits of these children of angels and women still exist today in a parallel world to our own. They are very evil and they manipulate our world through our minds. We call them demons.

I have had some critical reviews concerning theology and Sancho, the fallen angel, in this story. It is fiction and should not be treated any differently than George Lucas’ Star Wars or Stephen King’s Christine, with the exception that Lucas and King are much better writers than I am. And in reality, who truly knows the heart of God? If He had created an angel like Sancho for the purpose of helping one of His children, then perhaps He could forgive that angel after it has rebelled against Him and came back to Him with repentance. After all, Noah had found favor in God’s eyes, which caused Him to change His mind about destroying every living thing in this world. Our “never-changing” God allowed Lot to escape from Sodom after he helped two angels.

Rather than rewrite Twisted Christians with the hope to appease every single Christian denomination, I thought that I would share this information with my readers in this 2nd edition. Whether or not fallen angels can be saved, I still hold onto my faith and my belief that Jesus did not come here to destroy the Law or the Torah, but to fulfill them. I will not eat pork, get tattoos, kill people, commit adultery, etc. just because some Christian tells me that Jesus did away with those things. There have been a few changes made within this edition. The many typos have been corrected and it has been reformatted. Also, the chapters concerning Sancho have been changed to better indicate that he is a fallen angel, and not a demon. Being an independent author requires a lot of editorial work, but it is all worth it in the end because I am free to write without scrutiny from a publisher who would demand stories that conform to their standards.

I had thought about removing the sexual scenes, but decided against it because it is a part of our wicked world. This will most likely be the only book that I write that contains adult sexual material. If you are offended by these scenes, then you can skip over them with the knowledge that Cindy Blair was seduced by a fallen angel who had manipulated her mind as well as the minds of her lovers. Her lust for various men was driven by her desire to be with Sancho. One of the keys to the moral of this story lies with Cindy. If you think that you can wait until you’re lying on your death bed before you’ll accept Jesus as your Savior, then you may not be fortunate enough to get that chance.

Another thing to consider is Christie Sloan’s decision to listen to Sancho. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, but we can be saved before it’s too late. One of my readers had identified herself with Christie’s character. Once she had finished reading Twisted Christians, she burnt all of her black magic books and contacted me with the desire to be saved. Praise God for this! This has caused me to believe that this book was well worth writing, no matter how much criticism I will receive from it.


The bottom line is this. You should read the Holy Bible from Genesis-Revelation, as you would read any other book. Do not skip around from one place to another in search of your verse of the day and twist it to suit your needs. And pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit before opening your Bible. Do this and I promise you that God will give you the answers to your many questions."