Recommended by Scott Meade

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I Am The Twisted Christian

I have no way of explaining my position to Christians because most do not seem to understand it no matter how I state it. I'll try once more. God's Laws are being written onto our hearts because we've accepted Yeshua into our lives. If the Laws were done away with because of the crucifixion, then there would be no need for repentance for any sin. So we would be free to do whatever. Twisted theology makes no sense and contradicts itself in so many ways.

The only thing that I can say to Christians anymore is that if you believe that it's okay to eat pork and I know that it's not, then you eat your pork and I won't. If God says to observe the Sabbath on the 7th day of the week and you prefer the 1st day of the week, then have it your way. If I observe Passover and you observe a holiday that was created by pagans and probably satan himself, then so be it. Worship Jesus in the name of Ishtar and don't forget to hide the Ishtar eggs. I'm not arguing with any Christian over these trivial things anymore. If you are too lazy to read God's Word for yourself, then continue to listen to your pastors and priests. Follow them to Sheol.

If you hate me for trying to follow God's Commandments, then you are no brother or sister of mine. So continue to give my books bad reviews and let it be known to God that you have no desire to follow His ways. You follow the world and I'll follow God's Word to the best of my ability. There are many nonbelievers who accept me for who I am without any debate, so why should my brothers and sisters attack me? If you prefer the words of the world over God's Word, then I'll give you a quote from Ice Cube. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself."


1 comment:

  1. I'd never hate you for sticking to your beliefs. But then again, I understand both what you believe and why. Although I might not always agree with you, that doesn't change the fact that we both serve the same God and have the same Savior. Never let the comments of other people bother you. I think you're following God a lot more closely than most of your critics. From what I've learned about you, you do more than talk the talk, you also walk the walk. That's way a lot more than most of your critics could probably say.
