Things began well as an independent author. But then my every word has come under scrutiny. It is times like this when it wouldn't seem like a bad thing to be a Mormon who writes vampire books. That type of fiction doesn't conflict with almost every Christian's belief, does it? But then I'd have to become a Mormon. I'm not so sure that a Messianic Jew would be welcome in the Mormon church.
I really do try not to down anyone's religion, and it would be nice if people would not disrespect mine. I have friends from almost all denominations. How does one write a Christian fiction story that doesn't bring on the parade of critics? It would not be bad if my book was paying my bills, but it's just a small-time book written by a small-time guy in Virginia, who is in big-time trouble. lol Maybe I should not quote Scripture in my stories. Another thing that I can do is follow the standard pattern, which has been laid out by the major publishing companies. All readers have grown accustomed to that and it would be a good thing to conform to what the publishers demand of their authors and editors. No, here is what I can do. I need to find the most common theological belief and have all of my fiction based on that. Yes! The majority will rule and I will have millions of happy fans!
Hode up...wait a minute...rewind! Did I just type these things? No! I mean, yes, I did type them, but No! I don't agree with conforming to anything that is outside of what I believe to be true. If I am wrong about what I believe, then Yeshua will let me know.
The good thing is that I still have friends who have stuck by me throughout this whole ordeal. My BEST friend is God, who I give major kudos to for being with me. I have some good news. Anne Rice read the blog that I posted for her at my website. Back at Facebook, she said, "Scott, I appreciate your generous response here on your blog. This page gives me more than I can give it, because people like you post, and enter into a real conversation with me on numerous topics. I am profoundly grateful for that."
Needless, to say, it brought a huge, giddy smile to my face to see that Ann Rice is a real person who accepts me as one, too. :-) I pray that Yeshua leads her as she begins her new journey. A journey that is quite similar to mine.